Pat Mudyali's Bizarre World War III Fanfiction

Kingston, Atlantica
By Pat Mudiyali
Peace be upon you, it is I, Pat Mudyiali and I'm here to share y'all a bizarre essay I found in my Google Docs. It was an essay that I had to write about a "hero's journey". I'm sure most of y'all had to write it sometime in English class. Well, this story is hilarious and cringey considering that I wrote it in late 2017 when I still had a weird mind...

                                                              Part 1: Call to Adventure
Roger Silver, an unsuccessful dictator, has attempted to rule the world by creating powerful dictatorships. In his 49th attempt to take over the world, he issued a meeting in Greenland with several high ranked officials. At the end of the gathering, the group founded the K.B.L coalition, which they expect to be the greatest fascist dictatorship of all time. To alert the world about this future tyranny, a video surfaced on showing Silver deliver a commanding and intimidating speech.

“Look out world!” he declared. “I, the supreme leader of the KBL coalition, warn the entire planet to defend themselves. We have founded the most powerful fascist union in mankind history! We will also enforce slavery, increase corruption, and kill anyone that opposes us! So come at me, crooked President Johnson and any other western leaders! You don’t stand a bloody chance.”

Over 3,000 miles west, in Washington, D.C, twenty-one year old General Joseph has recently been elected commander of the United States military by controversial president, Gilbert Johnson. Many Americans dislike Johnson due to his corrupt decisions and lack of devotion to the American people. On the other hand, Joseph had just recently graduated from the United States Naval Academy. He is also exceedingly intelligent, scoring an outstanding 210 on an IQ test. However, the decision to elect him as commander of the military was viewed negatively by the majority of Americans due to Joseph’s lack of experience. With the rise of the KBL, many Americans are now fearful of this country’s future. 

Part 2: Refusal of the Call
Despite the compelling threats by the KBL coalition, President Johnson responds with a lack of interest in fighting any war as he also isn’t concerned with the world’s future. General Joseph reacts equivalently and concludes the United States would easily defeat Roger Silver’s army.
Ultimately, they both eat their words, as the KBL coalition conquer land from several European and Asian countries. Nonetheless, Joseph is still not impressed by the successful coup, because he anticipates the coalition will fade. Eventually, they gain even more territory. They also provoke violence in the streets, create corruption, and cause mass destruction of buildings as a reaction from vanquished nations.
General Joseph, realizing that he has started an even greater problem, cannot avoid his reluctance this time, and finally declares official war against the KBL Coalition.

“The brainwashed military destroying our weak allied nations must be stopped” announced General Joseph. “The United States military will soon annihilate those fools. They’ll regret what they’ve done.” 

                                                   Beginning of the Adventure
General Joseph prepares his military by training over millions of personnel, thousands of fighter jets, trillions of dollars spent in weapons, and proceeds to launch a few nukes to Greenland.
“These fools are done! Roger Silver will forfeit this campaign and we may execute those bigots! The U.S. isn’t messing around since I have devised the largest military force on the planet,” guarantees General Joseph in a televised speech at the White House.
Despite those bold assumptions by General Joseph, none of the United States’ allies have sent their own soldiers to the war. For instance, the Prime Minister of Canada would rather watch hockey and drink maple syrup, while the Emperor of Japan is too busy designing the brand new Samsung 37. Realizing the United States will have to fight alone, General Joseph has funded an even more powerful military force. So far, over $2 trillion has been spent on the war, enraging money-loving President Johnson.
“Please don’t waste too much money, Joe!” requested President Johnson. “I can’t afford to lose my wealth. I will not send our military to war if I don’t receive enough money in my bank account.”

General Joseph ignores his president, books a private flight to Europe, and joins over millions of his fellow soldiers in arms, in which he expects to be a lopsided victory for the Americans. 

Trial #1
After the KBL coalition were forced out of Germany by the German military, General Joseph guessed that they would soon return. The most strategic country for the Americans in Europe was Poland and Joseph guessed the coalition would attack there first. He marched his army from Germany to Poland and ordered them to start preparing to defend their European allies.
Sure enough, a large KBL fleet of ships arrived off the northern coast of Poland. They set up camp in Gdynia, around 400 kilometers from the American soldiers in Warsaw. The KBL sent envoys to track General Joseph and negotiate with him.
“If you surrender, we give you pardon from our lord, Roger Silver” offered a messenger.
“Those who have committed fault want no pardon” replied General Joseph.

A few days later, the KBL coalition began sending troops to Warsaw. The Americans remained in their defensive positions and waited for an attack. The coalition first attacked by sending in a smaller force at the center of American defense. While the U.S. soldiers focused on this smaller attack, the main force of the KBL coalition followed the smaller force, completely surrounding the Americans. 
Rather than losing his entire army to the KBL, General Joseph ordered his army to retreat southward to Lublin. Several hundred Polish soldiers held off the coalition while the Americans retreated. Instead of finishing the battle, KBL leaders halted the attack. They didn’t want to unnecessarily lose troops. They also figured there was no way the Americans could escape. 

While being held hostage by the KBL coalition, General Joseph made a desperate attempt to save his army by deserting their prison at night. When coalition members woke up the next morning, the Americans were gone.
                                                        Trial #2
After media outlets reported the latest surrender by American forces in Europe, many foreign leaders had different views on supporting the U.S. at a United Nations meeting. Some countries were obliging to aid like Canada, because they had no choice but to protect their mother country, United Kingdom. Other nations refused on joining the war like Australia. They pointed out the KBL coalition must be terminated, but believed General Joseph was not a good military leader. Brazil also declined to support America just because they had a feud with European countries itself.

 Following the United States retreat in Poland, KBL leader Roger Silver decided to forgo a direct assault against most of the U.S. Military in the Netherlands and instead turned his attention to Fort Salzburg, Austria, where General Joseph was hiding. In the middle of the valleys near Vienna was a mini-base called Fort Salzburg. It was completely surrounded by hills. Joseph was confident the fort would hold up against the KBL, he was wrong. An American deserter named Craig Manning provided the KBL coalition with details of the fort and plans of defense. KBL troops on top of high ground opened cannon fire on the fort and its outlying installations. Many American soldiers sought refuge in Fort Salzburg. General Joseph knew that the battle was lost and had no alternative but to surrender for a consecutive time. The KBL coalition promised that no quarter would be given to American survivors, but lied. Nearly 20,000 soldiers were hanged to death. 8,000 guns and vital supplies were also taken by the KBL. The only Americans freed from the battle was General Joseph and his lieutenants. The defeat at Fort Salzburg dealt a crushing blow to the U.S. Military because they lost land, supplies, and over half of their army.

                                                               Trial #3
The fall of Fort Salzburg in Austria was a crushing blow for the Americans and destroyed all hope of defending East Europe. General Joseph sent one part of his army to secure parts of West Germany and Switzerland. While the other part of the American army moved to the west side of the Garcon River in Paris, which divided KBL land in the east and French land in the west. 

The Battle of Paris took place on a cold New Year’s Day morning. General Joseph crossed the Garcon River with his full division of his army. It was a dangerous crossing, a violent snowstorm was raging and the river was almost full of ice. But the determined American soldiers crossed the river. The weather changed and the storm turned into sleet and rain but the troops marched a few miles to the coalition’s territory in urban Paris. The American forces raided and surprised the unprepared KBL soldiers. 

The previous night on New Year’s Eve, some KBL soldiers were celebrating and were drunk. Now, they have been held hostage by General Joseph’s army. The KBL coalition lost 783 killed in action, 973 wounded, and over 300,000 captured. It was a significant victory for the Americans, as they now defend Paris, finally win a battle and continue their expedition eastward to defeat other KBL territories.
Ultimate Boon
The Battle of Paris proved to be a motivational victory for the Americans. Provoking them to continuously win consecutive battles over the coalition. KBL leader, Roger Silver, couldn’t believe his army was getting wrecked. He was extremely close to surrendering. If Silver doesn’t sign a treaty to end the war, he will face a death penalty charge enforced by General Joseph.

Realizing an escape plan is necessary, Silver attempts to take a cheap flight to his homeland of Greenland and hide from American forces. Surprisingly, the airport security let him on the plane, while he expected to be caught. Just following takeoff, the pilot announced the plane will be hijacked because airport security actually knew Silver was on the flight. Ultimately, he found a parachute and jumped out of the plane. He landed safely, but right into an Icelandic prison, greeted by shocked policeman.

After his discovery in Iceland, Roger Silver was forced to sign the treaty and be charged with a death penalty. His execution was to be hanged and tortured by American soldiers through a firing squad. Thereafter, the KBL coalition faded, Roger Silver dies from his unimaginable wounds, Europe becomes peaceful, and Joseph is recognized as a world hero for an unlikely victory against a rising supreme tyranny.

Refusal of Return
Despite the signed treaty by the deceased Roger Silver marking the official sign of surrender from the KBL coalition, General Joseph believes the war isn’t over yet. The end of the KBL coalition could have paved a way for smaller terrorist organizations looking to start their own dictatorship. It was also a perfect time for an evil union to rise because Europe is still recovering as an effect from the war. 

“The war isn’t over yet,” indicated General Joseph. “We will stay in Europe until every country recovers to prosperity and there are no suspects of affiliated KBL coalitions. We have to make sure these developing nations are safe from extremism.” 

Magic Flight

Just when Red Cross and UNICEF organizations finished healing recovering countries, Ray Silver, a professional smuggler and Roger Silver’s son, wants revenge for the KBL coalition. He assembled an army of his own, basically drug addicts attempting to defeat General Joseph’s army. He also calls the Americans a bunch of imbeciles, because the world would have been a better place had the KBL coalition still reigned. The rise of Ray Silver’s mental army prevented the American soldiers to return to the United States. General Joseph wants to make sure no evil tyranny similar to KBL annexes Europe. 

“I’m not underestimating Silver Jr.’s army because the last that happened, we were slaughtered by his father,” announced General Joseph. “We don’t need other countries to help us beat a psychiatric army. Remember the Red Cross doctors can treat them. Think positive, nobody has to fire a bullet. Then, we can hopefully leave with bliss.”
Ray Silver’s militia actually proves him wrong. They were on these drugs that made their immune system invincible. Doctors and health workers were shot while trying to cure those mental soldiers. The situation was so atrocious that General Joseph had to send SWAT members wearing bullet proof vests to try and kill Silver’s troops. Fortunately, they out lasted the intoxicated army and proved to be better help than Red Cross doctors. 

The Crossing/Return of Threshold
The bizarre stand-off between the U.S. Military and some drugged soldiers sent out by the son of a dictator finally ended. The American soldiers were now granted permission to return to their homeland. While arriving in the United States, Americans citizens have been more despicable to each other as an effect of the recent war. President Johnson stated the world is still a miserable place. Brainwashing Americans into thinking the world has actually gotten worse despite a U.S. Military victory. It turns out, Johnson was jealous of General Joseph’s accomplishments and wanted to persuade people to believe he’s a villain.
“Don’t let this war distract you from the fact that our planet is nonetheless dreadful” blabbered President Johnson. “Even if we won, it shouldn’t have a little effect to the world. I’m not proud of Joe and I won’t give credit to our soldiers.”

Shockingly, Congress impeached Johnson and he was found guilty of stealing money from the U.S. Military. He is currently incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay. Subsequently, General Joseph replaced him and was elected as the 50th president of the United States. When he was sworn in, Johnson supporters heavily opposed General Joseph. They took the streets and protested in front of the White House. They also argued that Joseph wasn’t eligible to be president due to his young age and no political experience.

While adversity was happening, Potus 50 focused on building stronger relations with other countries. His strategy was to prevent wars and fascist groups like the KBL coalition. Unlike Johnson’s ideology, believing the world became a worse place, president Joseph thought the world could be a better place. He traveled to African countries facing poverty issues to stop corruption and aid people in poverty. Thereafter, he finalized peace treaties between Palestine and Israel, a substantial achievement. Lastly, he successfully stopped North Korea from launching nukes to Los Angeles by giving a donut to Kim Jong-un.
To summarize Joseph’s life in the past month, he won a world war, became president of the most powerful country and solving the world’s most challenging issues. All this was done through effort, perseverance and endurance. The odds of achieving those accomplishments just after graduating college are very slim. 

“Anything is possible, peace out my fellow Americans,” declared President Joseph before taunting at former president Johnson in prison. 
