SC Leaders recreate the words, "INDO"
By Reporter Pat

Kingston, Kingston - A busy weekend for Swynncliff leaders and the highest ranking members of Sharialand as the Governor of Sharialland issued a summit. Instead of actually meeting at Al Quds, the Governor planned the summit at a national forest near Awitania. Along with the insufficient budget of the Sharialand government, Al Quds was also a dangerous city to host a big political event amidst many wars.

As a result, the Governor of Sharialand set up the summit at the Sharialand Fitnah National Park, located on the Akbar River and near Awitania, an area filled with mentally disabled Squidward Syndrome patients. The campsite lacked space and it was near a big playground with rednecks. Ironically, there was a wedding/prom near it so the bathroom was filled with infidels.

                                  BIG EVENTS ALL THROUGHOUT THE SUMMIT
                                                            2018 FIFA World Cup
As expected, someone from Chatalia bought a widescreen projector to watch the World Cup in Mother Russia. But one of the biggest moments was when Germany faced Sweden, two of the largest Syrian refugee countries. When Toni Kroos scored the last minute goal to save Germany's hopes in the World Cup, the entire campsite went berserk. 

                                                King-Lor's 54th birthday parade disaster
After King-Lor bought the entire campsite ice scream sandwiches, Mayor Azzam immediately offered him a drive around the Akbar National Park. The Mayor's car was probably a Chevrolet Tahoe?, or some sort of SUV type. President Hakim Arshad, Prime Minister Barrel, and Knight Utopia agreed to join the ride as well. The Mayor of Al Quds, who is very known for his reckless driving, did his very best to scare the riders.

His driving record is far worse than a Asian woman driver and it took him around 13 years to finally attain a driver's license in Sharialand. At first though, the drive was smooth and not many watchers appeared. But once the infidels and gay rights advocates started protesting, things didn't get any better. LGBTQ protesters were chanting, "DESTROY THE SC, LEGALIZE SAME SEX MARRIAGE", Catholic protesters were shouting, "CHANGE THE CHATALIAN FLAG TO CROSS", and even some baboon Awitanians threw sticks at the motorcade.

Once tensions risen, the Mayor began driving 130 mph on a two-way road recklessly. President Arshad told CBC News reporters that his mind felt scared and he was afraid of either getting arrested or flipping. Probably the most intense part was driving through Awitania, many mentally disabled aboriginals attempted to jump the car but the Mayor's "Fast and Furious" style of driving raced out of the region. Around half an hour later, the car arrived back at the campsite, and the ice cream sandwich melting.

                                             SC Leaders encountering Awitanians
During the dangerous parade, the Mayor drove past Awitania, which is a region in the Fitnah National Park filled with Squidward Syndrome patients. Dr. Omalu and Charles Darwin claims that they are more uncivilized than apes. Even King-Lor wished the Mayor ran over some Awitanians. The apes of Awitania began throwing stick and stones at the car. One almost smashed through Barrel's window. President Arshad recalls the experience as very "disgusting". He also told me he does not want to further describe what Awitanians were doing, but he would like to inform you that you should stay away from them. Had the car ran out of gasoline, it's likely that the SC leaders were doomed.

                                                        King-Lor's eye incident
“I was using the badminton racket, I don’t know maybe I play tricks on it. The tip of the badminton handle strikes my eye before my eyes reacted causing a minor scratch into the cornea. I was rushed to an urgent care in Mt. Vernon (or Mt. Abdullah in our scenario) after 6 hours.”

                                        Photo shoot of SC Leaders and Indonesian Patriots

                                 Again, the words "INDO" attempted which ended horribly
                                            President of Atlantica looking over at Awitania
                                       Him wearing the jersey of an American football club ha
                                        King-Lor posing as Christ The Redeemer in Brazil
                                              The President rides away with the Dictator
                                                           Pride Weekend 👎😡💩😒
                                                             TO CAP IT ALL OFF... 
                            Masya'Allah, singing a Pakistani song in the farewell event
