CHARACTER Descriptions on Major Chatalian Figures

President Hakim Arshad
Born: April 13, 1960 (age 60)
Nationality: Atlantican
Descriptions: Wealthy, Greedy, Genius, Pretty-Boy, Controversial, Powerful
Affiliations: Government of Atlantica, Swynncliff Coalition, Chatalian Union, Vladimir Putin, Lord Fari III, King-Lor, Prime Minister Barrel, President Erdogan

Arshad has been the Republic of Atlantica's president since 2010. He is one of the richest men on the planet with a net worth of over $50 billion. Thus, he owns many mansions and possessions. Despite his success and fame, president Arshad is one of the most controversial figures in the world.

Lord Fari III
Born: August 17, 1988 (age 31)
Nationality: Chatalian
Descriptions: Young, Wise, Smart, Powerful, Well-Liked
Affiliations: Kingdom of Chatalia, Swynncliff Coalition, Chatalian Union, King-Lor, President Arshad, Prime Minister Barrel, Supreme Leader Brahim Roshid

Fari III is one of the youngest worldwide political leaders. He was selected for the monarch of Chatalia at only age 30. Fari III is focusing on a theocratic ideology and is attempting to overthrow the Abdullah reign. He is one of the most well-liked political leaders in the world, CBC News reports that Fari III has a 85% approval rating from Chatalians.

Born: June 6, 1966 (age 53)
Nationality: Nesverdian
Descriptions: Religious, Pious, Powerful, Slender, 20-styled Moustache
Affiliations: Kingdom of Chatalia, Kingdom of Nesverd, Swynncliff Coalition, Chatalian Union, President Arshad, Prime Minister Barrel, Supreme Leader Brahim Roshid

King-Lor was initially born into a poor family. But until his grandfather told him that he was adopted and his biological father is the king of Nesverd. Meaning that King-Lor was the apparent heir which caused great surprise in Nesverd. As a result, he was crowned at the young age of 45 in 2011. He has a son named King-Lor Yassin, who acts as the Crown Prince of Nesverd. King-Lor is well-liked in Nesverd and also Atlantica as he owns a strong relationship with President Arshad. He is religious and funds millions towards masjids and sometimes churches and synagogues. Physically, King-Lor is built slender and stands around 1.7 meters. He sports a 20's moustache which is often ridiculed worldwide.

Supreme Leader of Boimland
Born: June 18, 1986 (age 33)
Nationality: Boimlander
Descriptions: Motivating, Powerful, Strong, Genius
Affiliations: Swynncliff Coalition, Chatalian Union

The Supreme Leader of Boimland was once called a "dictator" by the Chatalian media. He started controversial fighting organizations called KBL (along with a few shady Atlantican businessman) which caused hefty lawsuits by the Aytrosian Government. But following the banning of KBL from the public, Boimland began trying to built nuclear weapons to attack Chatalia. Fortunately, the Treaty of Creignenton of May 2018 ended all nuclear conflicts between Boimland and Chatalia. Now, Boimland is seen as an ally and not a real threat to the coalition. Port Adams is one of Chatalia's biggest trading destinations and Boimland looks to restart their economy. Personally, Supreme Leader Roshid is described as a motivating speaker and a "genius" by his colleagues. He roasted President Xi Jinping of China at a meeting  for the treatment of Uyghurs and wet markets which has been denied by Chinese media outlets.
