Planning for Summer 2018

                                                    Summer is less than 100 days away

By Chief Journalist Pat

EVERETT, WASHINGTON - It may be mid-Winter while I'm typing this article, but won't stop me from thinking what I should do in Summer. That's why I'm counting down each day from now on to June 20 which is the final day of school! (Unless no snow days). But I'm motivated for waiting for the time of Summer comes, the best time of the year. But for now, I'm also waiting for Spring to arrive since the Groundhog fag predicted six more goddamn weeks of winter! That pissed me off but that pig isn't always right. But I pray that the weather gets better from late February to May. 

Okay, so here's the topic on plans for the 2018 summer. Usually every summer I either travel to Indonesia to meet my relatives or stay in America. Of course, I'd rather stay home because I hate jet lag and mosquitoes. But in 2018, luckily I am staying in America! Hopefully in 2019 I'm staying at home again because every two years I fly to Jokowi's regime. Maybe he won't be president in 2019, who knows? But like I said, 2018 summer will be great. I'd be in a first world country, have access to video games, have access to juice, have access to anything! 

So far I already have official plans for the Summer
  • My parents signed me up for this ridiculous tennis camp, a sport I haven't played for a decade and they expect me to play for Kamiak's team
  • In late-August, it looks like I have to do business with Kamiak High school. Like attend orientations and stuff because I'm an incoming freshman
  • Attend a Mariners game, even though I don't like baseball, tickets are cheap and I don't want to waste summer's precious time
  • Biking on 10 mile trails. This is bound to happen since my friend's are avid bikers
  • Maybe buy a new phone (like an iPhone 6, yes I'm poor) if I impress my parents LOL
  • Attend a Qu'ran class, people like Ibrahim might be in it...
  • Camping? It's possible
  • Probably go to the movies with these usual summer movies
  • Most importantly, don't waste summer. I hate doing nothing in long school breaks, I have to make some memories and have fun
Oh, I forgot. The biggest non-Indonesian summer events are when my family travels somewhere. Yes, safe to say we travel every year. In 2014, we drove to Banff National Park in Canada, which was 577 miles and took 10 hours! I felt kinda bored during that trip because I didn't take nature seriously. In 2016, we flew to New York City and the northeastern part of the country. It was the first time I've traveled to an eastern time zone. From my experience, New Yorkers are rude people with silly accents and refuse to answer directions. Also, we bought a rental car and drove to Niagara Falls. But then we drove to Trump's home and the capital city of America, Washington, District of Columbia. Not to be confused with Washington State and Colombia! So you get the point, my family travels to North American places in the summer when we're not in Indonesia. So here are my potential candidates to travel in Summer 2018.


The Windy City! Bang! Bang! Chi-raq!
The Twin Cities! 100 degree summers!

Minnesota-Illinois, Midwest Area
Cities/Places: Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago
Transportation: Flight
Tourist Destinations: Mall of America, Como Park Zoo and Conservatory, Millennium Park, Navy Pier, Cloud Gate, John Hancock Center
Budget Effects: HIGH

If my family's trip was going to be long range, this could be the best possible trip. Driving would take around 20 hours and nobody wants to rest in six hotels back and forth. Flight tickets would probably cost $1000 and the cheapest should be on United even though I begged my parents to not ride United after turbulence incident. Minneapolis and Chicago are decent cities to travel to. 40% of the reason why I'd like to travel to Minnesota is because of the Mall of America, probably the biggest mall in America! It has an aquarium and an indoor theme park. The city also has a couple of museums, which all major cities have. Chicago feels like a must-travel city as well because it's the third largest city in the U.S. 

Wannabe Seattle but more hipsters
                                                     I bet they hide MH370 at the bottom

State of Oregon
Cities/Places: Portland, Salem, Eugene, Crater Lake
Transportation: Car
Tourist Destinations: Crater Lake National Park, Downtown Portland
Budget Effects: MEDIUM

The southern neighbor of Washington and pretty much it's twin brother. Driving is the obvious choice here, it would only take four hours to drive to Portland! Thus, flights would be a huge s***load worth of money! By the way, the entire community planned on travelling to Oregon last year. But was cancelled, for any reasons but I was mad that I had to waste summer at home! Anyways, this could be the chance to travel to Oregon. The state is in particular similar to Washington. Lot's of national parks, liberal hipsters, and climate would be almost the same but probably hotter. Crater Lake is the prime choice while travelling to Oregon, it's the deepest lake and when I was younger, I was very scared to go there. Also, visiting Portland's hippy downtown is bound to happen if my family travels there.

                                 I went here after my band field trip and I had to skip Ramadan :/

Silverwood Theme Park Idaho
Cities/Places: Couer d'Alene, Idaho
Transportation: Car
Tourist Destinations: Roller Coasters, Games, Water rides
Budget Effects: SMALL

I'm not sure my parents want to go here again because we've already went here. Yes, I traveled to Silvewood because of my Middle School Band field trip. I had to skip two days of fasting in Ramadan as I couldn't resist not eating in 100+ degree days. But anyways, in my time at Silverwood, I went to the puny roller coasters. It had some upside downs and some speed but that was basically it. There were two way larger roller coasters I refused to go on. The blue roller coaster in which 90% of my classmates went on, scared the hell out of me. I felt like a p*** because everyone rode it. There was another big roller coaster which looked to be from the 1920's and made out of wooden. For me, long lines at big roller coasters just make me more nervous which is why I am a coward. But I'd like to go back to this place and redeem myself.

                                           The less dangerous side of Tacoma, well sort of

Wild Waves Theme Park Tacoma or Federal Way
Cities/Places: Tacoma, Washington
Tourist Destinations: Roller Coasters, Games, Water rides
Budget Effects: VERY SMALL

I'm more likely to go to Wild Waves than Silverwood. Why? First off, shouldn't even be a question. But to answer it, Wild Waves is only 50 miles from my house. So obviously I won't stay overnight. A ticket should cost around $14 per person. The place is similar to Silverwood but way smaller. It does have a roller coaster, but there's one ride that I probably won't be scared of. Not the big yellow upside down one but the wooden ride that just have steep hills. There's also a couple of rides that I fear; this mini-roller coaster that actually goes faster than you think, a ride called Timber Axe that spins you 360 degrees, and a tower ride called Brain Drain that propels you up and down from as high as 85 feet.


Vancouver, Canada
Sure, I've been there four times, but it's a great city.

San Francisco, California
Maybe a bit too far but I wanna visit Al Catraz.

I want to see the volcanoes and the haunted forts.

San Diego, California
I'd rather go here than to LA. Lot's of tourist options. 
