Exclusive Coverage of Mukilteo Peaceful BLM Protest

                                                         Mukilteo Protests 6/7 Sunday

By Pat Mudiyali

Assalamulaikum, bruzzas all around Chatalia. Yesterday, I attended the Black Lives Matter protest in Mukilteo. Not surprisingly, it was peaceful because it's Mukilteo. The city is more like a smaller "community" and unlike Seattle or Everett, crime is less likely to happen here.

Also, the police officers did not bring tear gas (it appears) and were not wearing full armor like you see in Seattle. So the Mukilteo protest is likely going to end up peaceful.

However, many peoplez came and many of them brought their young children. I think peoplez would rather bring their children to a protest in Mukilteo than Seattle. Also, I did see few of people that attended the local high school. I even saw my 8th grade Science teacher but no way, she would recognize me.

                                                      Path to the Taco Bell (Main Protest)

Ok bruzza, I was kind of late to zhe protests. It began at around 5:00 but I decided to bike there at 5:35ish. So I was mainly at the back of the line but there was still some protesters that came with signs.

Hill near the Taco Bell

So after biking/walking a mile, the crowd got bigger and biggerz. I saw a Taco Bell and realized that I arrived in the main protest area. Near the Taco Bell, was a Marriott hotel where there was a hill (to get a better view). I also saw at the Marriott, a few police officers that had an even better view but I did not want to approach zhem. Some protesters from down below found the officers and began shouting (maybe cursing) at them.

Y'all can barely see the Taco Bell right?

Here is a direct view of where the speakers were... I was at the very back so I could not clearly hear or see them :(

Alright, again it was very peaceful and non-dramatic. The only thing I hope did not happen was that people confused me as an undercover cop (coz the way I dressed). Also, I wanted to see some of my teacherz there lol. Too bad. Oh yeah, for some reason I could not post any videos here so I might make a "vlog". Finally, if any CBC reporter plans to attend a more violent protest, please cover it. All the bruzzas would love to see it :)


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