Treaty of Creignenton Signed!

                       SC Leaders- including Brahim Roshid, Lord Fari III, and Prime Minister Barrel

By Reporter Pat

                                      THE TREATY OF CREIGNENTON SIGNED
                    The Official Treaty of Creignenton signed by SC leaders (Excluding Arshad)

The Treaty of Creignenton was officially signed by all leaders approximately 8:30 PM Nesverdian Time, the signing was broadcasted on CBC News, and views by at least 40 million. 

Many effects would happen after the signing
  • Dictator Brahim Roshid would agree to end Boimland's nuclear program, Kid Battle's League, Baby Cuteness Battles, and would start alliances with 196 nations. He also agreed to never attack any SC nations and officially ended communism in Boimland
  • Atlantican Ambassador to Nesverd, Sir Shizzle Cakes, the man who signed the treaty on behalf of Atlantica, was fired by Dictator Hakim Arshad. It is up to Arshad himself to decide if the treaty is legitimate
  • Governor of Sharialand also promised to end funding terrorist groups in Sharialand and since Ramadan is coming, he issued Martabak Squad to remove all weapons, and instead build mosques in Sharialand
  • The conflict of Boimland against the Swynncliff Coalition is over
  • World famous Ustadz Yusuf Mansur would promise to sponsor Terra Dynasty in Hong Kong and Tangerang


                                                  Prime Minister Barrel signing the Treaty 
                    Sir Shizzle Cakes, former Atlantican Ambassador to Nesverd signing the Treaty
                           Lord Fari III signs the Treaty and laughs like Sharialand's Governor
                             Supreme Leader Roshid shakes his dirty hands with PM Barrel
                            Again, Supreme Leader Roshid shakes hands with Lord Fari III
