LIFE BLOG - Planning for summer

Bye-bye winter! It's almost spring time

Geschreven door chef-eigenaar Fari                                                                              Vertaald door John-Willem

Wakey, wake up! Spring's almost here! Most people would start preparing for a beautiful new summer and spring clean, but not for Fari! Chatalia has been very inactive recently, maybe too deserted that maybe we should do something else.
This maybe weird, but I should collect all the money for a trip, and not just any normal trip, but the one that can be remembered.
Yep, that's what I said just now. I'm just bored, so don't think I write like a 4-year old. Financially, I have prepared $67.98 inside my "Travel Jar", in which I donate every month for 10 cents. It's been years, and I'm bankrupt (I just can't resist wasting money!), but I must be generous in order to have a vacation this summer.

Normally, I wouldn't have plans - chatting in the Kingdom, attending summer events, and much more. My family plans on going to Northern California and hopefully Southern too, as I almost made it to the border of Mexico in 2014 (just 10 miles away!).

Now don't think I wanna smuggle drugs, cause I don't. My family is on budget and we want to have a vacation low-cost.

What's the vacation you're saying?

I know I'm bad at English, it gets worse every day. I don't want to travel IN the states, I just wanna flee the so-called "Freedom of Land" and head somewhere I've never been.

Thanks to Norwegian Airlines - a low-cost Norwegian based airline, it has made my traveling decision easier. 
Fun Fact: Norwegian Air Shuttle AKA Norwegian Airlines, is the third low-cost airlines in Europe and the sixth largest low-cost airlines in the world.

I wanted to visit the best and beautiful place with rich history (and make sure it's halal). Possibly, Turkey.

The Blue Mosque is an iconic landmark located in Istanbul, Turkey. It was built under the rule of Muhammad Al Fatih during the early ages of Ottoman Empire.It has a rich Islamic history and the rise of Ottoman Empire, which collapsed during WWI. I've never dreamt of going there since I have no interest in their culture and minorities. 
It's a pretty interesting country, with rich Islamic country and the rise of the Ottoman Empire, which collapsed during WWI. I have no interest at all, but I have no other choice. Who knew I'm interested recording refugees drowning in the east coast.
If I don't enjoy Turkey, or possibly can't afford to go there, my alternatives maybe West Europe or China.

Ohhh, nice dream... Where's the money??? 


I'll earn em'! I'll tell you at the next blog post.
